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  • Upcoming Events

    • Thursday

      AKI in felines: All the critical details with Dr Bill Saxon

      May 23, 19:00 - 20:00 (BST)
      Acute kidney injury can occur in cats due to a variety of prerenal, renal, and postrenal causes. Early detection and appropriate treatment are important for optimal outcomes in these often critical patients. This talk will review the causes and risk factors for AKI cats and review traditional and newer diagnostic options. Urine cystatin B, a novel marker of active renal tubular epithelial cell injury, will be reviewed. Finally, updated recommendations on appropriate fluid therapy and other treatments will be provided.

    • Wednesday

      Breathe easy: How and when to use inhaled therapies in cats with Dr Sam Taylor

      May 29, 19:00 - 20:00 (BST)
      Join ISFM and Trudell Animal Health for a FREE webinar on feline inhaled therapies presented by Dr Sam Taylor. In this webinar you will learn: The ethical imperative and preference of cat owners to transition from systemic steroids to safer inhaled alternatives How to empower cat owners with a way to address respiratory attacks at home with inhaled bronchodilators Identify appropriate inflammatory diseases for management with inhalers and when to introduce in therapy The role of chamber design in drug delivery, medication cost, ease of administration, and success with therapy